The repercussions of caring: Family’s caregivers of cancer patients mental health
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Mental health
Patient Cuidador
Saúde mental
Paciente oncológico


Background: This research deals with caregivers of cancer patients and the implications of their roles on their mental health. Aim: Evaluating the mental health levels of family caregivers and their implications. Method: This is a qualitative and quantitative research of the descriptive type, carried out on the premises of the Hospital Universitário Santa Terezinha – HUST, in Joaçaba, SC, with 20 (twenty) participants. The technical resources used for collecting data and information were a Semi-structured Questionnaire of Sociodemographic data, Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire and Beck Inventories (BHS, BAI, BDI). Results: The results obtained indicate the presence of anxious, depressive and hopeless symptoms in all the family caregivers interviewed. Conclusions: In a broad analysis it is concluded that these do not present, for the most part, severe levels or higher than the general average indicated, pointing out the need and importance to develop new studies on the subject and promote the establishment of prevention and coping strategies.
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